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In order to support science and research, Wörwag Pharma has awarded the 10th Fritz Wörwag Research Prize this year. The prize rewards new research…
Just in time for the anniversary year, Wörwag Pharma presents itself with a new logo: traditional yet innovative, rooted yet globally oriented.
Böblingen/Lódz – German pharmaceutical company Wörwag Pharma GmbH & Co. KG announces the acquisition of Sensilab, contract manufacturer and…
Wörwag Pharma announces that Lucia Cinque will join the company as Managing Director on June 1, 2021. In the newly created role of Chief Innovation…
Despite the challenges of the Corona year, the family-owned company Woerwag Pharma successfully closes 2020 with a year-on-year increase in sales to…
After almost twenty years at the head of Woerwag Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, Monika Woerwag will step down from the management board effective on January 1,…
Rather than holding a topping-out ceremony, in view of the corona restrictions the management of Wörwag Pharma has decided to show its employees in…
Following the departure of Dr. Marcus Wörwag from the management of Wörwag Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, Mr. Jochen Schlindwein will assume management as…
With an increase in sales of 8.7 percent, i. e. 118.2 million Euro, compared to the previous year, the family-owned pharma company Wörwag Pharma has…
After 18 years of leading Wörwag Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, Dr. Marcus Wörwag will withdraw from the company’s Management Board as of January 2019. Marcus…